Financial Assistance in DKG

DKG offers numerous scholarships and financial assistance opportunities to members and non-members. The DKG International Education Foundation oversees nine different funding programs offering a variety of funding assistance, from emergency help to tuition assistance, from training grants to support for classroom projects, community initiatives and professional development. Read more about this in their 2020-2023 Impact Report.

As a member, you may apply for scholarships at all levels: international, state organizations, and possibly at the local chapter level. DKG, through the DKG International Educators Foundation (DKGIEF), offers scholarships for members pursuing master's or doctorate degrees, provides grants for individual professional development, seminars, educational projects, and community programs that benefit children.

The DKG Ignite Leadership Seminar, funded by the Golden Gift Fund, Holden Fund trainings, and International Speakers Fund (ISF) support leadership growth opportunities. When a natural disaster strikes, members can apply for immediate financial assistance.

Non-members may also apply for professional development and project grants through DKGIEF Cornetet awards. World Fellowship grants support educators from all over the world pursuing advanced degrees in Canadian or US universities. Many state organizations and local chapters also offer grants to assist students in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Nine powerful funding sources through DKGIEF allow members and nonmembers to pursue advanced degrees, expand personal and professional knowledge, make educational impact in communities, and find aid in a time of need.

Cornetet Individual Professional Development Awards (CIPD)

Funds participation in conferences, seminars, lecture series, online courses and workshops, plus other degree programs. This award is given twice each year to members and nonmembers.

Cornetet Seminar Professional Development Awards (CSPD)

Awards are granted to sponsor professional development seminars. Regions, areas, and state organizations of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may apply for a Seminar Award to assist in providing development opportunities for educators in their locale.

The Educational Projects Fund

Provides money to members and non-members. These awards support first-time and renewal projects designed to address intercultural understanding, encourage standards of excellence in education, or assist and cooperate with various funds to support the improvement of education. Since 1964, $3.4 million has been awarded.

The Educators Book Award

Honors a book that significantly influences education and society through well-researched and thoughtfully written educational research and has the potential to influence society and education significantly. It recognizes a woman author’s ability to engage a wide educator audience with current, relevant topics, rewarding them with a $2,500 prize for their contribution.

The Eunah Temple Holden Leadership Fund

Supports diversity and leadership allocating $1,000 for non-member speakers at conferences and conventions. It also offers leadership training, parliamentary training, transition sessions, DKG Ignite (formally Golden Gift), and DKG NEXT. The fund also supports the Latin American Conference, reinforcing DKG's global educational impact.

International Speakers Fund

Speakers broaden their knowledge and connect with women educators worldwide. They can travel to new places or present virtually, sharing their expertise with different cultures. By becoming an international speaker, DKG members contribute to the Society's mission of uniting women educators worldwide. This helps them create an international network of members, serve as ambassadors, and promote cultural diversity by sharing ideas, research, and experiences.

Scholarship Fund

The DKG Scholarship Fund champions women educators, offering up to 31 annual scholarships for advanced degree pursuits, with $6,000 for graduate and $10,000 for doctoral studies. Scholarships are awarded annually to DKG members.

World Fellowship Fund

The Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) World Fellowship Fund provides global educational opportunities for women. Since 1960, the program has awarded scholarships to 1,055 women in 122 countries. It supports international women who are not DKG members to pursue full-time graduate and post-graduate studies in the US and Canada.

Emergency Fund

Established in 1948 to provide financial assistance to members who suffer major losses due to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flooding, forest fires, and windstorms, members can request a $500 award for a significant loss, demonstrating the society’s commitment to “genuine spiritual fellowship.” The fund has a history of aiding members affected by natural calamities.

DKG Ignite: Leaders Empowering Leaders Program

Igniting the spark of leadership, the DKG Ignite Program, funded by the Golden Gift Fund, offers transformative seminars that redefine professional development. DKG members converge biennially for an intensive leadership journey at the University of Texas, guided by the McCombs School’s elite staff. This initiative equips DKG leaders with cutting-edge skills for today’s dynamic educational landscape.

bulgan tsolmonbaatar
I am thrilled and grateful to have been awarded the World Fellowship grant by DKG International; it means a great deal to me. My goal is to contribute to the implementation of educational justice for marginalized groups, particularly young females from rural areas and low-income families. Despite the challenges faced by female students in accessing higher education in our country, one of the poorest in the world, I am determined as an educator not to give up. Upon my return, I intend to apply the knowledge and skills gained from my master's studies at UW, USA, along with the support provided by the DKG Fellowship Award, to make a meaningful contribution to education in my community.

- Bulgan Tsolmonbaatar

Cornetet Grants are an excellent opportunity for regions, states, and areas to receive funds for sponsoring professional development seminars as well as attract new members. Our seminar on “Censorship: Impact on Education” brought 38 non-member women to a forum. In addition to providing professional development, we used the opportunity to market the Cornetet grant and to share the benefits of DKG membership.

- Area V Washington State Organization

gail goolsby
I have been a member of DKG since 2013 after returning from Afghanistan. When I moved to Kansas two years later, I transferred to my current chapter and made instant connections in my new town. These women encouraged me to enter my book in the Educator’s Book Award competition and when I won, helped me find groups to share my story. In the 4+ years since receiving the award, I have sold thousands of books and presented to almost 100 groups, including 40 local, state, and international DKG groups. DKG has been a true gift in my life.

- Mrs. Gail Goolsby (2020)

janie hickman
I received assistance from the Emergency Fund twice. The first time was after a tornado went through our town and we lost several trees, one of which fell on our rental house next door. The second time was more devastating. We had a fire in February 2021 with snow covering the ground and a 21" drift in front of our house. The fire resulted in us having to gut our house down to the studs and losing the majority of our belongings. Words can't express how special it was to receive a gift from your DKG sisters and know they are thinking of you in your time of need. I can't express how emotional it was to receive a check from my DKG sisters!

- Janie Hickman

monique harrison
Attending the parliamentarian training session at the Portland International Conference, made possible by the Holden Fund, was incredibly beneficial. The role-playing exercises were especially helpful for grasping some of the trickier aspects of Robert’s Rules of Order. While I am not planning on becoming a certified parliamentarian, the training has been immeasurably useful in my current leadership role. This support for leaders is yet another benefit of DKG.

- Monique Harrison