Welcome to the DKG website! The website hosts many documents and resources on the member only side of the website that requires log in (if you're not already). For help with logging in, please call Society Headquarters at 512-478-5748. Your username is your six digit member id that can be found on your membership card.

Below you will find a Visual Sitemap and below that Helpful Info.

Helpful Info: 

Main points to remember:
is the main hub for members now (forms, applications, etc.)
Resources -
Will house resources based on position/ role (DKG Officer Resources)
Leadership Discovery Centre -
More coming soon but right now it is the same as what was called "Leadership Lab"

Flyers/Brochures are now in their corresponding pages:

Journey for life: About/Becoming a member & New Member Resources (under Resources/Membership)
Emergency Fund: Emergency fund page under DKGIEF
Scholarship Fund: Scholarship Fund Page under DKGIEF
World Fellowship: WF Fund under DKGIEF
Non-dues Revenue: Forms/Contribution
Insurance Benefits: Benefits Page under discounts
Holden Fund: ETH Leadership Fund under DKGIEF
Ed Book Award: Educators Award Fund under DKGIEF
World Fellowship Recipients: About/Recognition
Planned Giving: Ways to Give under DKGIEF
Bulletin Publication Plan: Editor Resources under Resources
ISF Fund: ISF Fund under DKGIEF

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