Suggestions for using Educators Award Books


For Chapters and State Organizations:

*Post book information on state organization or chapter websites.

*Contact local DKG chapters to volunteer to present a program that promotes the Educators Award book, as well as participation at DKG conferences and conventions.

*Offer to do a mini presentation of the award- winning book. Include a few quotes and a short reading of the book. Give participants a few moments to ponder the issue. If time allows, participants would be invited to share.

*Have the executive board of the chapter read the book as a ‘building’ activity to motivate chapter bonding for the officers. Afterwards, the board may want to share the book in the chapter.

*Create “a gift basket” containing the book and flyer to use as a fundraiser or as an award for an out going officer, for a member receiving a degree, or a member for a specific achievement.

*Use book titles in the one of the must reads category as a book discussion and invite non- DKG members to participate.

*Present a copy to new members as a welcome gift. Attach the Ed Award seal and include the flyer and other information about DKG.

*Present your speakers with the Ed Award book when they come to present to your chapter. Attach the Ed Award seal and include the flyer and other information about DKG.

*Advertise: Attach a copy of the book jacket and a short explanation of the award winning book
or the ‘must reads’ to your Society email contacts and selected personal emails.

*Donate the book and flyer (plus a bookmark, attractive pen, mug and tea bags, etc.) to silent auctions for chapter, state, regional, and/or international DKG meetings.
For Community and Public Relations:

Write a Book Review for a local news publication.

Present a workshop in tandem with the local Librarian and open it to the public. This would be publicized via library media/postings.

Post award winning book and must reads on faculty bulletin boards in schools in your district.

Offer to present at one of the local established
“book clubs”.

Offer to be a guest speaker at a university offering a course in related subject matter. (ex., psychology, sociology)

Give a copy of the Educators Award book with a gold seal on the book to the library at the local Teachers Association.

Place copy of the Bulletin with the article about the Educators Award recipient book and author in doctor offices, teacher workrooms or send to selected administrators.

Donate a copy of the book to the libraries of local entities to which it applies. These might include churches and synagogues, schools, retirement communities, and/or hospitals, (Many people at
a local retirement community have enjoyed reading EXIT.)

Share the book as a study guide or quote source with small groups.

Use portions/passages of the book as prompts to motivate participants in a writers’ group.

Volunteer to do an in-service presentation for a local school or district, using the book’s contents to create the outline of thought and information applicable to educators and/or students.

Ask to leave a flyer or two at hair salons, doctors’
offices, Yoga studios, etc.

Compiled by the 2012-2014 International Educators Award Committee