Advocacy – to speak out – is a core value of DKG, expressed by its member states and chapters in three ways: (1) legislative advocacy; (2) service advocacy; and (3) support of educators through philanthropic advocacy and training.

Every DKG member is automatically a member of a Forum based on geographical area. Each Forum has projects, professional reports and, when appropriate, information about proposed legislation with ramifications for educators, women and children’s welfare. DKG has a long relationship with UNICEF and the Committee Teaching About the UN.

Chapters and state organizations are deeply committed to providing service through projects to educators, women and children locally and around the world. Members advocate for educators through mentorships, professional development opportunities, and speaking on their behalf. Likewise, women and children are supported through direct service and through support to other agencies.

The Society is a philanthropic force on the international scene giving thousands of dollars each year in scholarships, grants, and project support to members and non-members. The DKG International Education Foundation manages nine funds that support educators. Grants are also available at the state and often at the local level. As a member you are a part of that philanthropy. You impact education worldwide!


Canadian Forum

The Canadian Forum is held yearly to involve as many Canadians as possible in learning about the interests and actions of each province. The State Organization Presidents report on the achievements of her province, be it educational, political and/or charity work. While most interests are carried on individually by each chapter or state, the "Canadian Project" is chosen by election after two or three charities are studied in detail. Each member votes and then donates a minimum specified amount yearly to the chosen project. In the 2022-2024 period the selected charity was Art for Aid and Sew and Sew under the umbrella of the non-profit “I Love First Peoples”.

European Forum

The purpose of the Europe Forum is to identify major issues affecting women, children, and education upon which European members may take action. In a recent survey, European members identified the top six issues as:
- social media and its impact
- bullying and cyberbullying
- safety from violence in schools
- climate change
- working conditions and recruitment policy
- language and communication problems/working with refugees

Latin American (LATAM) Forum

The Latin American (LATAM) Forum holds two general forum meetings each biennium. The following are the goals of the Latin American Forum:
1) Discuss relevant issues of the Delta Kappa Gamma International Society (DKG-International Society) that concern the Latin American Area during the International Conference and the International Convention.
2) Establish the goals of the Latin American Area for the year.
3) Share the educational progress of the countries that belong to the area, in which the DKG Latin America chapters have developed projects.

In the current biennium, the LATAM Forum decided to discuss and develop actions to promote peaceful coexistence.

U.S. Forum

The U.S. Forum offers a semi annual Legislative Forum in Washington, D.C. to provide an opportunity for members to learn effective strategies in advocating for women, children, and education.

The DKG US Forum passed a resolution in 2022 to advocate for legislation to improve mental health services for educators and other school staff. Last biennium, the Forum identified the following issues in addition to educator mental health:
- Safety from Gun Violence in Schools and Community
- Poverty/Homelessness/Food Insecurity
- Working Conditions/Recruitment and Retention of Staff
- Censorship of Speech/materials/books
- Bullying and Cyberbullying
- Social Media and Its Importance on Mental Health
Tondra Odom
I think that it is very important that we discuss legislation policies and procedures that affect women educators. Education is ever changing and we need people to advocate to make sure that students are learning in the best environment that they can and teachers have access to resources that they need and everybody is on even keel across the nation.

- Tondra Odom, Beta Chapter, Washington DC
DC State Organization President

Claudia Estrada
Para mí es apoyar y motivar a las mujeres como miembro, es reconocer y valorar sus logros por pequeños que éstos sean, proveer espacios seguros para desarrollar liderazgo que permitan a todas animarse a participar, implementar cambios sugeridos por la socia, aunque éstos impliquen la ingeniería completa de las prácticas que se tienen en cada organización y en cada nivel de la sociedad. Considerar el tiempo disponible de las mujeres para no sobrecargar sus actividades, pero que disfruten y se comprometan y se sientan parte de un grupo con intereses comunes.

For me it is supporting and motivating women as members, it is recognizing and valuing their achievements no matter how small, providing safe spaces to develop leadership that allows everyone to be encouraged to participate, implementing changes suggested by the member, even if they involve completely engineering the practices that exist in each organization and at each level of society. Consider the time available to women so as not to overload their activities, but so that they enjoy and commit and feel part of a group with common interests.

- Claudia Estrada, DKG Guatemala

Carol Frost
If we don’t speak up for ourselves, nobody else will. We are educated. We know the issues. We know which issues need to be addressed. We are well-spoken, informed and we can come across as professionals to members of Congress. It’s been great to network with fellow DKG members and realize that we have the same issues all across the United States.

- Carol Frost, Beta Rho Chapter, New York

Magaly García
Bueno, para mí el apoyar desde mi punto de vista es un valor que se refiere a contribuir a una acción. Hay muchas formas de ayudar, de apoyar, de compartir experiencias para reforzar los lazos que hay en Delta Kappa Gamma. El valor de apoyar no se trata de ser superior a otro, sino se trata de ser solidario. Asimismo, considero que hay varios tipos de apoyo, entre ellos el económico, el emocional, el del acompañamiento hacia un miembro de la organización. estamos conectando con otros y podemos llevar un mensaje alentador a quienes más nos necesitan. Mi lema es que el conocimiento se comparte, sobre todo con aquellos que están dispuestos a recibirlo.

Well, from my point of view for me, supporting is a value that refers to contributing to an action. There are many ways to help, to support, to share experiences to strengthen the ties that exist in Delta Kappa Gamma. The value of supporting is not about being superior to another, but rather it is about being supportive. Likewise, I consider that there are several types of support, including economic, emotional, and accompaniment to a member of the organization. We are connecting with others and we can bring an encouraging message to those who need us most. My motto is that knowledge is shared, especially with those who are willing to receive it.

- Magaly García, DKG Ensenada, Baja California, México

Debby Yarbrough
I see advocacy as using your voice. The women who founded DKG were women who stepped out, who were not content with the status quo for women and they definitely made their voices heard and I think it is part of our responsibility to speak out. It’s one way of expressing our beliefs, our ideas, what we advocate for and what we think is important.

- Debby Yarbrough, Psi Chapter, Oklahoma
Oklahoma State United States Forum Committee Chair

Rosa Bañaga
Pertenecer a DKG Internacional para mí ha sido una experiencia de grandes aprendizajes desde iniciar con un grupo de personas que trabajamos en la misma sintonía, compartir experiencias educativas, recibir apoyos económicos para seguir preparándome como lograr terminar la maestría e iniciar el doctorado, asistir a las convenciones ya sea regionales e internacionales, contar con un grupo de maestras latinoamericanas y poder compartir en los Foros nuestras necesidades como países y docentes es reconfortante aprender y convivir.

Belonging to DKG International for me has been an experience of great learning since initiation with a group of people who work on the same page, sharing educational experiences, receiving financial support to continue preparing myself, how to finish the master's degree and start the doctorate, attending the conventions. Whether regional or international, having a group of Latin American teachers and being able to share our needs as countries and teachers in the Forums is comforting to learn and live together.

- Rosa Bañaga, DKG Baja California, México

International Projects

International Projects give DKG members the opportunity to actively support women educators and excellence in education.

UNICEF’s Girls Initiative to Revitalize Learning and Success (GIRLS)

Investing in girls’ secondary education is one of the most transformative development strategies. The GIRLS Fund achieves results by directing critical funds to African countries where girls’ education has been identified as a challenge. Funding also strengthens global girls’ education expertise and ensures coordination and support across country offices.

Supporting Early Educators

In response to the high percentage of teachers who leave the profession within the first five years, the Educational Excellence Committee established Supporting Early-career Educators (SEE) as its second international project during the 2012 International Convention in New York City.

State Organization and Chapter Projects

State Organization and Chapter Projects

The Educational Excellence Committee encourages states and chapters to develop programs, projects and activities which
1) empower women through leadership opportunities,
2) promote educational excellence through programs and projects and
3) change global awareness through collaboration worldwide.

World Fellowship

World Fellowship Scholarship

World Fellowship is a DKG global initiative to provide scholarships for international women who are not DKG members to pursue full-time graduate or postdoctoral studies in U.S. and Canadian institutions. The awards are granted annually to international recipients who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career.


DKG@UN and the Committee Teaching About the UN

The United Nations acknowledges DKG as a Non-Governmental Organization, highlighting the Society's significant and ongoing contributions towards fulfilling the UN's objectives. DKG has a long relationship with UNICEF and the Committee Teaching About the UN.