International conventions and conferences bring DKG members together from our
17 member countries and within our five geographic regions.

Internationally known presenters, themed workshop sessions, marketplace vendors, and exhibitors all gather to realize the Society mission to provide personal and professional development for members. Continuing education credits, tours within host cities/regions, and networking of members create quality experiences when attending these events.

DKG International Convention

International Conventions are held in even numbered years to conduct the business of the Society which may include elections for international officers, constitutional amendments, reports, and resolutions. There are workshops for personal and professional growth and time for DKG Forums to meet.

DKG International Conference

International Conferences are held in odd numbered years to provide educational workshops and leadership training and to disseminate information regarding Society activities.

State Organization Conventions

Held either annually or biennially, state organization conventions give members leadership development and personal and professional growth opportunities while providing interactions with fellow members of the state/province/country.

GoAhead Tours

GoAhead Tours are led by an expert Tour Director, usually coordinated near International conventions or conferences. A pre-planned itinerary helps members travel confidently and the small group size makes it easy to get to know fellow travelers.

International Speakers Fund

DKG members can experience other cultures by applying for and being selected as an international speaker. Travel costs are paid for by the International Speaker Fund (ISF) and rooming costs are paid for by the host state organization.

DKG Ignite

A one-week leadership management seminar, held during even numbered years, that offers selected applicants the opportunity to grow their leadership skills with incredible peer-to-peer interaction and instructional leadership from the world-class faculty of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas in Austin.

Taina Hokkanen
DKG has given me wonderful new friends around the world and memorable experiences in exciting places I would not have visited otherwise. Being a member has widened my perspective on different cultures and education in different countries. I also feel that DKG leadership responsibilities have empowered me tremendously.

- Taina Hokkanen, Finland

Elli Heikkilä
DKG International Conferences in Tallinn and Tampere, and being a member of the DKG Educators Book Award Committee have given me deep knowledge of education. By taking part to different activities, there has been possibility to get new DKG friends and meet the old ones.

- Elli Heikkilä, Finland

Marianna Sunnari
Attending DKG International Conferences has provided new insights into education as a profession as well as opportunities to learn about the culture of the hosting countries and meet old and new friends.

- Marianna Sunnari, Finland

Auli Ottelin
I have got to know great new friends in Finland and internationally. DKG has also offered me opportunities to develop my leadership skills. Excellent speakers in International Conferences have given me fresh ideas for both personal and professional growth.

- Auli Ottelin, Finland

Pia Nyman
As a member of Delta Kappa Gamma International since 2016, I have received, and taken the opportunity to meet new, wonderful people, and travel, too. Having attended international conferences in Tallinn, Reykjavik, and most recently, our very own conference in Tampere, I have sat at magnificent lectures and workshops. All these experiences have boosted my professional skills, as I work as an English and German teacher at an upper secondary school.

- Pia Nyman, Finland

Muriel Marsh
The European conference experience is a must for all members of the DKG Society family in Europe[. . .]. The atmosphere of comradeship and hospitality, as well as the diversity of lectures and activities is inspiring and invaluable to me as a DKG member. The pandemic years were forgotten, leaving friendships beyond borders even more special; renewing old contacts and forging new ones.

- Muriel Marsh, Norway

Simone Nance
I made connections by having conversations with women from all over the United States and Europe from all backgrounds about education, our experience as teachers, and as women with families navigating life. I was able to connect with them both professionally and personally, and I am a better DKG member, a better professor, a better woman, and a better person because of them.

- Simone Nance, Indiana

Nancy Davis
Traveling with DKG sisters, and Go Ahead Tours is the absolute best! This past summer I traveled to Finland and Estonia. We traveled by train, bus, and boat to different cities and various sites. Not only did we have guided tours, but also free time to explore on our own. When traveling with Go Ahead Tours all arrangements for hotels, transportation, and some meals are taken care of. I get to spend my time enjoying all the sites and getting to know those on the tour. I highly recommend traveling with Go Ahead Tours and DKG!

- Nancy Davis, Tennessee

Jeannine de Jong
DKG means meeting people from different countries and feeling immediately at ease with them. It is visiting beautiful countries and learning about their way of life. It is learning to experience the leadership in me being encouraged by heart-warming professional DKG friends.

- Jeannine de Jong, The Netherlands


Each Forum (Canadian, European, Latin American, and United States) offers meetings with an emphasis on cultural, social and political influences on educational issues. All members may attend any of the Forum meetings.

U.S. Forum

The U.S. Forum offers a semi annual Legislative Forum in Washington, D.C. to provide an opportunity for members to learn effective strategies in advocating for women, children, and education. They hold meetings at international conferences and conventions and host virtual meetings to inform members of issues and legislation affecting educators and education.

European Forum

The European Forum holds two general forum meetings each biennium. The meetings take place during the International Conference in Europe and International Convention, and are organized by the European Forum Committee. The European Forum Committee EFC) consists of one member of each of the member state organizations in Europe: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, The Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, Estonia.

Latin America Forum

A Latin American Conference is presented in odd numbered years in a Latin American Country. The conference is presented in Spanish and conducted by the area representative for Latin America. The Latin American Forum holds two general forum meetings each biennium. The meetings may take place virtually or during international conferences and conventions.

Canadian Forum

The Canadian Forum holds two general forum meetings each biennium. The meetings may take place virtually or during international conferences and conventions. The Forum discusses any upcoming actions of the society and each provincial president summarizes the actions of her province during the past year.


Connecting with members across the globe or across a nation are much easier today through the use of technology such as chat boards and video conferencing.

DKG Communities

The Communities section on has message boards for members to exchange knowledge, tips, and insights on topics such as travel, recipes, the arts, mentoring, membership, and more!

DKG Chapter-to-Chapter Exchanges

Chapter to Chapter Exchanges are an exciting opportunity to connect virtually with members in other countries and regions, a continuation of what happens at conferences and conventions. It’s up to the chapters how they connect, whether by videoconference or email. There is a Community on to help chapters find potential exchange partners.