Maryland State Organization Time Capsules
When you think about a time capsule, you picture a building with a cornerstone located on the front or side of the building. Inside the cornerstone are documents or artifacts that reflect the era when the building was erected. In 2011, Cheryl Townshend, the State President of the Maryland Organization, used that time capsule idea and challenged the chapters to create a time capsule that would contain a narrative of the events that reflected the activities and the vision of the chapter in 2011. These decorative time capsules would be opened in 2029 at the celebration of 100 years of DKG existence or in 2037 at the celebration of 100 years of Maryland DKG existence. The chapters were given the following prompts to begin their narratives:
~ If you open these in 2029 as the celebration begins for the existence of the society, we wish you all success for another 100 years of excellence in education in Maryland
~ For Alpha Beta State (former name for the Maryland State Organization) sisters in 2037 to open
~ For Greetings from the 2013 Convention
~ The celebration of our culmination of our 75th Year
Once the capsules were completed, they were housed in the Historical files/Storage unit. The current Historical Records chair (2019-2023), Joan Wiggins was tasked with organizing the Storage Unit. When Cheryl mentioned that we could remove the time capsules box and distribute the capsules at the 2023 State Convention, Joan brought them to the convention held at College Park, Maryland. During the committee reports, the time capsules were presented and many of the chapters were amazed that we kept these precious gems. In reading the names of the chapters that had time capsules, we reflected upon the chapters that had dissolved since 2013. When the capsules were distributed, some of the members of those dissolved chapters, who had moved into other Maryland chapters, wanted to have the capsule to remember the engaging time spent with their original chapter.
Here is a portion of the narrative from one of our chapters written in April 2013:
Dear Sisters of 2037,
Our chapter has always pursued the purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma. We have endowed scholarships for women in education at both the university and high school levels. We promote personal growth and development by encouraging our members to apply for five hundred dollar grants to aid them in pursing their interests. The chapter made Book Bags for Babies to present to new mothers at the local hospital to inspire the young mothers to read to their babies. Continuing their literacy movement by supporting Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, the chapter assisted children from birth to age five with free monthly books. Currently the chapter is participating in the local Cancer Walk and they publicize their activities in the local newspaper. They close the narrative by stating that it is the wish that the chapter continues to be a vital and active presence in their county.
For those chapters still thriving, the opening of the capsule was a reminder that DKG continues to be an important part of the world of education. Chapters are granting scholarships and providing numerous community service projects. Each capsule recognized that it is possible for one to be a key woman educator in every season of life! They proved that year after year, Maryland State Organization has continued to promote professional and personal growth for women educators, as well as excellence in education, as the international society envisions. The chapters of Maryland State Organization are indeed attempting to impact education worldwide through their continued support of DKG Society International. We look forward to the future with anticipation!
Cheryl Townshend, Omega Chapter- Past State President (2011-2013)
Joan Wiggins, Alpha Theta Chapter- Past State President (2015-2017)